Paco Castro: Annihilating ideals of rational functions Abstract: We consider the Weyl algebra A_n whose elements are linear differential operators with coefficients in the polynomial ring R of complex polynomials in n variables. For a given non-zero polynomial f, the ring of rational functions R_f is finitely generated considered as a module over A_n (this main result is due to J. Bernstein). Finding a system of generators of such a module is a computationally difficult task and it is related to the computation of the annihilating ideal of the rational function 1/f. This annihilating ideal can be computed by using algorithms of T. Oaku and N. Takayama. These algorithms use Groebner basis computations in the Weyl algebra A_n. In this talk we will describe the role of logarithmic D-modules in the "logarithmic comparison conjecture", an open problem concerning both the annihilating ideal of 1/f and the comparison between the cohomology of the meromorphic and the logarithmic de Rham complexes associated to the polynomial f.