Jorge Ortigas-Galindo

Short Curriculum Vitae in Spanish (2024)

Academic position 1: Technical advisor in Centro de Evaluación Formación y Calidad (CEFyCA, Gobierno Aragón).

Academic position 2: Associate Professor at University of Zaragoza.

Education: Math PhD. (2013), University of Zaragoza (España). Master in Mathematical Research (2009). BSc Mathematics (2003-2008), University of Zaragoza (Spain).

Awards: "Premio Extraordinario Fin de Carrera" (best student BSc Mathematics, 2008) and "Premio Academia General Militar" (best student Faculty of Sciences, 2009).

PhD. Thesis (2013): Algebraic and Topological Invariants of Curves and Surfaces with Quotient Singularities, co-supervised thesis by Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) and Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (France).
PhD. Advisors: José Ignacio Cogolludo-Agustín , Jean Vallès and Vincent Florens.
Honor remarks: Apto "Cum Lude" and "Très Honorable" (highest ones).

Languages: English (C1), German (B2), and French.

Acreditaciones:Prof. TITULAR DE UNIVERSIDAD (ANECA, 2024). Highschool principal (2018). CONTRATADO DOCTOR (ANECA, 2013)