Talks and Seminars (2014)

Course 2013:
  • "Counting lattice points using curves on weighted projective planes." III Singular Workshop in Zaragoza. Held in Zaragoza, July 3rd and 4th, 2013. Organized by Universidad de Zaragoza.

  • Seminar “Counting Points”. Research seminar of Geometry and Topolgy. Pau, France, 20th june, 2013. Organized by UPPA (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour).

  • Seminar “Some Invariants of Curves on the Weighted Projective Plane”. Research seminar of Geometry and Topology. Pau, France, 14th may, 2013. Organized by UPPA (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour).

Course 2012:

Course 2011:

Course 2010: